“The hypothesis we address, the theory we have, is that we are in the middle of a Digital Revolution. When in the future, our children’s children’s children review a history book, we are going to be the generation that is the protagonist of a transcendental chapter. Just like the emergence of agriculture, the creation of modern States or the Industrial Revolution, the process we are experiencing is transforming humanity forever thanks to digitalization.”
Luciano Tirelli – Director of Digital JUMP

With this phrase we present the Famago Digital Challenge live for the first time. A social selling training project for salespeople from one of the country’s leading commercial equipment companies, in which they competed to become #1 in digital sales.
Thus, 61 sellers who are experts in traditional sales, who walk the streets every day to look for new clients, decided to embark on this program with the ambition that characterizes them and the desire, this time, deployed to conquer digital spaces. Was it a Challenge? Of course, in every sense. People who have been developing and perfecting their sales skills over the years now also generate content for social networks. They knew they had to take the leap to be where their customers are. And for them nothing is impossible, it is in their DNA. They are competitive and always go for more. Spoiler alert: Of course they applied what they learned and boosted their sales!
About the project
“How will you discover new opportunities in one of the most important moments of transformation in human history? Do you manage change or do you let change manage you?”
Famago is a family company with 14 branches distributed throughout the country, with more than 20 years of experience and a unique culture. For 4 years we have been working together on a growth strategy through online channels, not only to generate brand recognition and reach new audiences, but also to have a presence in the digital touch points of its clients.
In this company, in which each salesperson is a fundamental cog for all the machinery to work, they were detecting the need to develop their social networks to gain presence in the lives of their clients. As at Digital JUMP we like to think big and propose solutions that break the mold, we saw the possibility of building new opportunities for the future by turning them into social sellers so that they could sell more, but always taking care of and supporting the brand.
Thus, throughout 4 virtual classes and a Master Class we train them with a focus on:
- Create and/or improve your Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp accounts aligned to the institutional profile.
- Build community.
- Generate your own content relevant to your audiences and interact with them.
- Communicate effectively to address the fears and expectations of your followers.
- Schedule content and segment audiences to gain reach.
- Use WhatsApp features to streamline the sales process and provide the best possible experience to your customers.
- And true to our values, this training had an objective and our entire commitment was to ensure that each of the sellers had their social networks configured and working. That is why, in addition, they had a virtual classroom to download the contents and relive the classes, 24-hour support. via WhatsApp, hours of consultation so that they could raise doubts and concerns and micro challenges in which the correct implementation of what they had learned was evaluated. All in a competitive framework in which participants earned points for achieving results!

The digital leap
At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.
As part of the closing of the program, we participated in the National Integration Convention in which we reviewed the results of the project, the director of Digital JUMP (Luciano Tirelli) gave a Master Class, we presented the prizes to the winners and we were finally able to meet face to face. face with the students. All this in one day!
We collect some testimonies from the protagonists of this transformation and select our favorite phrases:
- “I learned a lot. Things I thought I knew and I didn’t know anything.”
- “It helps to sell more. I can assure you of that because I have had Facebook for years, which referred me to other places, but now that I have learned, I go to specific clients. “I spent the whole of last month visiting specific clients.”
- “My first month of network sales was last month. And this month, my first sale, a very good sale, was contact from Face.”
- “It helped me sell more, to be more in touch with my clients and offer them the work I do for them.”
- “We must seek to integrate physical sales with digital sales to strengthen the four legs of the sale. It is another tool. As for the mechanic, the elevator is another tool, this (social networks) does not come to replace, but to integrate the management of the sale.”
- “I use it now and I have a lot more clientele. WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger even invades you…
Taking the leap is only for the brave. Cliche? Zero. Jumping is not just taking a step and seeing what happens. Jumping is having the strength to take the step, the commitment to not let yourself fall, and the confidence to know that on the other side there is a long way to go. Congratulations to Famago and to all the companies that dare to jump!
Regarding us, this adventure showed us the need for commercial teams to train. This program confirmed to us the power of training when it takes place in order, with clear guidelines and within the framework of a game. Many more challenges are coming. This is just the beginning.