A little history: The CSS revolution

Historia del CSS
Hernán Sosa at Digital Jump

Author: Hernán Ariel

Web Developer

The history of the World Wide Web (www) is fascinating and full of important milestones that have marked the development of the Internet as we know it today. One of these milestones is the appearance of the first web pages that used CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), a technology that revolutionized the way web pages are designed and presented.

Before their introduction, these sites were quite basic in their design. The first web page in history, created by Tim Berners-Lee, was a simple document containing text and hyperlinks, without any style or graphic design. This page was published at CERN on August 6, 1991 and marked the beginning of a new era in communication and information exchange.

As time went by and technology advanced, the need for a better way to present content on the web became evident. That’s when CSS came into the picture, allowing designers and developers to separate content from layout, thus improving the accessibility and flexibility of web pages. It was proposed by Håkon Wium Lie in 1994 and became a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard in 1996.

Håkon Wium Lie
Håkon Wium Lie – Listed as “creator of CSS”

Its implementation was a radical change in web development, as it allowed the creation of more complex and aesthetically pleasing designs, improving the user experience. Additionally, CSS made web pages easier to maintain, as style changes could be made in one place and reflected throughout the website.

Although there is no exact record of which was the first page to use this technology, it is indisputable that it has had a profound impact on the web. Since its inception, it has evolved and expanded, offering an increasingly wide range of properties and capabilities that allow content creators and web developers to innovate and experiment with the design and presentation of their projects.

Today, CSS is an indispensable tool in web development and continues to evolve, with new versions adding features such as animations, transitions, and responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. The web we know today, with its visual richness and interactivity, would not be possible without the contribution of CSS and the vision of those who contributed to its creation and adoption as a standard.

The next time you’re browsing your favorite websites, take a moment to appreciate the work and creativity behind each design, and remember that it all started with a simple page of text and hyperlinks. The web has come a long way since then, and CSS has been one of the pillars that has allowed this impressive development.